Things to do at Stoer Lighthouse
There's a wealth of places to visit and things to do during your stay at surrounding Stoer Lighthouse. Below are just a small selection of the activities you can experience in the area surrounding Stoer Lighthouse.
Places to visit

Despite its isolated setting, Stoer Lighthouse is only around half a mile away from a scattering of houses at Raffin. The nearest shops can be found at Drumbeg, or Lochinver, about 12 miles away. Lochinver sits on a sheltered bay north of Ullapool and offers the very best views back across to Suilven and a well renowned fish market.
Other nearby tourist attractions include the Assynt Visitor Centre and Highland Stoneware. Inland, near Elphin, visitors can pet animals at the Highland and Rare Breeds Farm. To the south of Lochinver, you can enjoy a drive along the coast to Achiltbuie.
The Old Man of Stoer

The Old Man is a fine sea stack 62 meters high, on the west side of the peninsula close in to the cliffs. It was first climbed in 1966. Nowadays it is climbed more frequently and the top is hung with abseil slings.
Walk from the lighthouse walled garden to the left, following the cliffs of the sea on a wide grassy path. After ½ Mile from the Lighthouse a steep-sided gully cuts right across the way. There are several paths down into it and out again but it is quiet eroded.
Follow the path along the cliff edges to reach the Old Man of Stoer in about less than an hour. Go further to the Point of Stoer and return the landside path to Sidhaen Mor back to your home.
The Local Area

Whatever your recreational experience the Stoer Lighthouse is the perfect base to experience the area surrounding the Lighthouse, LochInver, Sutherland and beyond.
North West Highlands Geopark A Geopark is a place where you will experience the incredible legacy left by an extraordinary geological past. Other locations worth visiting are the Visitor Center at Knockan Crag National Nature Reserve, The Bone Caves & Lochinver Information Center at the tourist office.
Outdoor Activities

Stoer Lighthouse is ideal for those who enjoy hill walking, mountaineering, geology, kayaking and other water sports, fishing, bird watching, photography and mountain biking.

The cliffs below the coastal path are a haven for nesting sea birds. Fulmars, kittiwakes, herring gulls, lesser and great-black backed gulls, great bonxies and arctic skuas are seen regularly during the spring and summer.
In addition gannets, shags, cormorants and various small auk can be seen on the water or flying past to their feeding grounds. Watch out for the wonderful spectacle of gannets diving like white darts into the sea to feed. Or for those who simply take pleasure from being out and about in the great outdoors.
Eating Out near Stoer Lighthouse

The Albannach
2km up road to Baddidarach as you enter Lochinver on the A837. Situated in a nice landscape. 5 course fixed menu locally sourced.
Chez Roux Restaurant
Located in Inverlodge Hotel situated on the hill overlooking the quiet fishing village of Lochinver. Located quite close to Stoer Lighthouse. Albert Roux menu and the Cheese Souffle is exqisite.
The Caberfeidh Pub
The Caberfeidh Pub, great view and food. Tel: 01571 844321
Lochinver Larder
Tel: 01571 844356
Peet's Restaurant
Harbourside, Lochinver Tel: 01571 844085
Kylesku Hotel
Good seafood lunches at Achiltibuie. Tel: 01971 502231